
Rules and regulations:

1. Active researchers with a Ph.D./M.V.Sc. in Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, will automatically qualify for membership.
2. Individuals with a University degree in veterinary medicine, animal science or related science(B.V.Sc. & A.H./B.Sc. with A.H.), who are active in the area of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension and can demonstrate scientific or practical experience in this area, can apply for membership.

Membership Fees:

 1.  Status Life Membership Annual Membership Honorary Membership
  National Rs. 3000 1000
  International $ 400 $ 100 $ 100
2.    Membership is personal and  can not be transferred.
3.  The membership fee collected shall exclusively be utilized  to upkeep its aims and objectives of society.
4. Member categories:
1. Institutional:  An amount of Rs. 30, 000/- paid in one instalment by a recognized institute will lend the membership for that institute for a period of 05 years. The rights and privileges of a member will be extended to the institute and will be eligible to nominate a person as its representative to attend annual general body meetings of SVAHE. (International Institute fees: $ 6000)
2. Corporate:  An amount of Rs. 20, 000/- paid in one instalment by a recognized corporate sector/agency will lend the membership for that sector/agency for a period of 02 years. The rights and privileges of a corporate member will be extended to the sector/agency and will be eligible to nominate a person as its representative to attend annual general body meetings of SVAHE. (International Corporate Sector fees: $ 2000)
3. Life member:  An amount of Rs. 3000/- paid in one instalment will lend the membership for whole life. The rights and privileges of a member will be non-transferable, extended only to the member enrolled and will have rights and privileges under the act of the SVAHE.
4. Annual Member:  An amount of Rs. 1000/- paid in one instalment will lend the membership for one year. The rights and privileges of a member will be non-transferable, extended only to the member enrolled and will have rights and privileges under the act of the SVAHE.
5. Student /Retired member:  An amount of Rs. 2000/- paid in one instalment will lend the membership for whole life. The rights and privileges of a member will be nontransferable and extended to the member enrolled only and will have rights and privileges under the act of the SVAHE. (International fees: $ 250)

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