Society for Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension (SVAHE) held its executive council meeting on 11-9-2021 at itsLudhiana HQ, for electing the new council. The executive members unanimously elected the following team to head the Society for next term.
- Dr HK Verma, President(Former DEE, GADVASU)
- Dr Jaswinder Singh, Secretary(Associate Professor, VAHEE, GADVASU)
- Dr SK Kansal, Treasurer(Professor, VAHEE, GADVASU)
- Dr PS Chawla, Editor (ProgrammCoordinator, KVK, Mohali)
- Dr SC Tripathi, Vice President-I , (Prof cum Head, VAHEE, Pantnagar)
- Dr K Ponnuswamy,Vice president–II( Principal Scientist, Extension Division, NDRI, Karnal),
- Dr RK Sharma, Joint Secretary (Head ,VAHEE, GADVASU),
- Dr YS Jadoun, Joint Treasurer (Assistant professor, VAHEE, GADVASU)
and few Executive members-Dr PS Tanwar,Dr Balwinder Kumar, Dr Abdul Hai, Dr Yashwant Singh,Dr S. Siva KumarDr Deepak Gangil, Dr VidyaNimbalkar, Dr Devi Singh, Dr Deshmukh, Dr Divesh Thakur, Dr PK Singh, Dr SK Khandey, Dr Aparna and Dr Arunbeer Singh.
The svahe was formed in 2006 with itsHQ at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana. The president of the Society, Dr KB Singh and Dr RS Sahota Vice President were given warm send off after completing their three consecutive terms. Dr S S Sidhu, Joint Secretaryof the society, wholeft for heavenly abode two months back, was remembered with heavy heart and paid two minutes silence to the departed soul..This Society has previously organized three national conferences in 2015, 2017 and 2019 at Ludhiana, Jammu and Pant nagar respectively. The society is publishing its biannual journal ‘Livestock Extension’. It is important to mention that this is the first society of veterinary and animal husbandry extension and its main role is to provide a common platform for all the stakeholders of animal husbandry to share their experiences and expertise with the extension fraternity as well as with farmer’s community. The society not only help to understand the effectiveness of present strategies of livestock extension but also will be instrumental in framing future policies and programmes for better dissemination of livestock research to the end users. As information is power and information infusion is the most important segment which is quite lacking in animal husbandry sector.As per NSSO data only 5.1 % of the Livestock farmers have access to livestock information compared to over 40% with crop farmers. So, they are information crunch to the real producers of the milk, meat egg and fisheries. So reaching to them is the main motto and methods to reach to them are more important as they are neither Internet Savvy nor have resources to invest in knowledge seeking. Dr Harish Verma, President, SVAHE cum former Director Extension, GADVASU said that Veterinary Extension Specialists play a very important role in motivating and creating awareness among livestock keepers and emphasized the role of veterinary extension services in protecting the health and well-being of food animals and in contributing to public health. They are the liaison between institute and the farming community, carry the message of technologies from the institutes and bring back the feedback, which is helpful for further research and refinement.